Blossom Pediatric Therapy is private pay only (out of pocket). There are many benefits to this:
ALL children can receive therapy. We are not limited by what the insurance company allows and there is no waiting for your child to be “delayed enough to qualify”. We can work with them right where they are and there is no need for them to struggle until they qualify.
Therapy is not dependent on a specific diagnosis to qualify. If your child needs therapy, they will receive it.
No limitations on number of sessions per year or frequency of services.
Flexibility – You and your therapist determine the frequency of services, not the insurance company. Twice weekly, weekly, monthly, consultative or any combination of services are available.
Perfect for families with large deductibles or co-payments. Pricing for our sessions are significantly less than what you would pay for out of pocket at most therapy clinics.
Please call 210-834-6206 for pricing or email us at mandy@blossompediatrictherapy.com.